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篇名 國中語文資優生對雙語教育接受度與教學關係之研究
卷期 72:1
並列篇名 The Study of the Relation between the Acceptance Level and Instruction among Language Gifted Students in Junior High Schools
作者 吳巧雯顏瓊雯潘裕豐
頁次 082-099
關鍵字 語文資優生雙語教育雙語教學接受度國民中學language gifted studentsbilingual educationthe acceptance level of bilingual instructionjunior high school
出刊日期 202103
DOI 10.6249/SE.202103_72(1).0006




Bilingual education has been promoted in secondary and primary schools under the 2030 bilingual nation promotion policy. It aims at enhancing students’ English proficiency and offering a natural environment for students to use English through teaching in Chinese and English. As to the gifted students, they usually have better mastery of cognitive and language skills; furthermore, for language gifted students, they even have special capability in understanding and mastering languages. Within the landscape of gifted education, the gifted students have better conditions to receive bilingual instruction. The objective of this study is to explore the perception, acceptance level and potential influence of bilingual instruction among junior high school language gifted students through questionnaire. The findings include that English, Music and Arts are the top three subjects for bilingual education. The acceptance level has positive correlation with the understanding of bilingual education. These findings have useful implication for those who are interested in gifted education and bilingual education.
