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篇名 「問想做評」創造思考教學結合「問題導向學習」之教學實踐
卷期 35
並列篇名 Innovative Teaching of Combining “ATDE” Teaching for Creative Thinking and “Problem-Based Learning”
作者 林廷華
頁次 229-246
關鍵字 「問想做評」創造思考教學問題導向學習創新教學“ATDE” Teaching for Creative ThinkingProblem-Based LearningInnovative Teaching
出刊日期 202212




This study explore the impact of “ATDE” creative thinking teaching combined with “Problem-Based Learning” strategies on college students' learning attitudes, learning effectiveness, and course satisfaction. This study adopts the case study. The research participants were 48 college students who take the “Infant Health and Safety” course. Data collection methods include questionnaires, focus group interviews, and analysis of learning documents. The results of this study are as follows: the “ATDE” creative thinking teaching combined with “Problem-Based Learning” integrated into the curriculum practice can promote students' interest in learning, and help students courageously express and learn to respect and tolerate. The learning effect of this course includes improving the knowledge of a balanced diet, improving the knowledge of oral health care, establishing the concept of proper hand washing, strengthening the ability to cope with problems and stimulating creativity, etc. Finally, the implementation of this course was highly satisfied by the students. Based on the research results, provide university teachers with suggestions for teaching and future research.

