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篇名 探討遊戲實況主特質對遊戲直播觀看意願之影響
卷期 35
並列篇名 Investigating the Impact of Game Streamer Traits on the Audiences’ Willingness to Watch Game Stream
作者 夏自立陳立賢
頁次 247-262
關鍵字 網路直播遊戲直播遊戲實況主代言人遊戲直播觀看意願live streaminggame streamgame streamerspokespersonswillingness to watch game stream
出刊日期 202212


隨著社群媒體的應用普及與網路直播平台的快速興起,觀看網路直播或實況已蔚為風潮,也使得直播或實況的內容及類型也趨於多元化。本研究針對日益熱門的遊戲實況直播現象進行研究,探討遊戲實況主的特質如何影響遊戲直播觀眾的觀看意願。基於Ohanian[1]所提出的代言人效應為理論基礎,並融入遊戲直播的互動性特色,發展研究模式及九項研究假說,透過實證研究探討遊戲實況主特質對使用者觀看直播意願之影響關係。研究方法採用問卷調查法,以遊戲實況直播的國內觀眾為研究對象發放問卷,共計蒐集有效問卷587份。問卷資料經SmartPLS 3.0統計分析,研究結果顯示遊戲實況主的五項特質,包括:吸引力、可靠性、專業性、互動性、與知名度,有助於遊戲實況觀眾產生認同感及愉悅感,進而對觀看遊戲實況直播的意願產生顯著性的正向影響。根據研究結果,本研究進一步針對遊戲實況主如何成功經營遊戲實況直播節目提出實務性的討論與建議。


The live streaming is an act of directly broadcasting the actual situation through the network media. Watching the live stream has become one of the main entertainment ways of Taiwanese society. Various live stream platforms have emerged rapidly. This study investigated the game type of live based on the spokesperson effects theory proposed by Ohanian[1], integrated the interactive features of game stream, and then identified seven factors that will influence on the audiences’ willingness to watch, including attractiveness, reliability, professionalism, interactivity, recognition, identity, pleasure and popularity. This study aims at understanding the impact of game streamer traits on the players’ willingness to watch game stream. In this study, the empirical survey method was used to study the live audience of the game. A total of 587 valid questionnaires were collected. The collected samples were analyzed by SmartPLS 3.0 statistical software. The results showed the relationships of identified seven factors and each factor has a significant positive impact on the willingness to watch. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are also discussed providing several suggestions for game streamers.

