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篇名 A Systematic Review of Computer-Assisted Interventions in Individuals with ASD
卷期 2022
作者 Yi-Chen KoJung-Chao Hung
頁次 295-318
關鍵字 Systematic ReviewComputer-assisted interventionMeta-analysisAutism spectrum disorder
出刊日期 202212



Using computer-assisted interventions over the past decades enhances academic, behavioral, engagement, and social outcomes in individuals with ASD. Moreover, meta-analyse integrates the results of different studies to determinate that computer-assisted intervention represents an evidence-based approach. This systematic review aimed to review the application of computer-assisted interventions in individuals with ASD by three meta-analytic studies. Overall, results suggest that computer-assisted interventions are promising or viable options in individuals with ASD. However, it is potentially necessary to combine computer- assisted interventions with the use of additional instructional strategies (e.g., prompts, reinforcement).
