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篇名 利用表面原子遷移機制應用於製作矽微奈米光學元件
卷期 29:4=162
並列篇名 Fabrication of Silicon Micro/Nano Photonics Devices Using Surface Atom Migration
作者 李明昌邱威超楊哲銘陳信宏
頁次 38-44
出刊日期 200802


次微米矽光波導在矽微奈米光學元件中扮演相當重要的角色。但因為蝕刻製程所產生的表面粗糙往往導致高傳播損耗,同時由於尺寸相對地小,外在光源不易耦合至波導內部。本研究提出利用矽原子表面遷移來製作次微米矽光波導線、三維錐狀耦合器及微超環光學共振器。實驗結果顯示矽光波導線的傳播損耗係數可低至1.26 dB/cm,而三維錐狀耦合器的耦合損耗可低於2.5 dB。


Submicron silicon optical waveguides are key elements for micro/nano silicon photonics. However, surface roughness generated during microfabrication usually induces high propagation loss. Additionally, the coupling between the external light source and the waveguide is generally inefficient since the core dimension of the waveguide is relatively small. This research proposes using surface atom migration to make submicron silicon photonic wires, three-dimensional tapered couplers and microtoroid resonators. The experimental result showed the propagation loss can be as low as 1.26 dB/cm and the coupler loss can be less than 2.5 dB.

