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篇名 埋藏於氧化層的矽奈米微晶增益金氧半光偵測器
卷期 29:4=162
並列篇名 Enhanced Photoresponse of a Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Photodetector with Silicon Nanocrystals Embedded in the Oxide Layer
作者 謝嘉民劉士嘉
頁次 45-49
出刊日期 200802


本文介紹於p-型矽基板覆蓋含矽奈米微晶之奈米孔洞氧化矽複合光吸收層之二端金-氧-半(MOS) 結構光偵測器。在逆偏壓下,320-1800 nm 波段的光都可觀察到響應電流,最高光電轉換效率可達160%,其可解釋為此奈米量子點光偵測器操作在逆偏壓時,由於矽基底形成反轉層,且其上之奈米結構膜會捕獲正電荷,而增強載子由反轉層注入到上電極,此效應如同電晶體中載子由射極注入集極。最終形成奈米膜中產生之光激電流被放大之效應。


The work reported a two-terminal metal-oxide-semiconductor photodetector for which light is absorbed in a capping layer of silicon nanocrystals embedded in a mesoporous silica matrix on p-type silicon substrates. Operated at reverse bias, enhanced photoresponse from 320 to 1800 nm was observed. The highest optoelectronic conversion efficiency is as high as 160%. The enhancements were explained by a transistorlike mechanism, in which the inversion layer acts as the emitter and trapped positive charges in the mesoporous dielectric layer assist carrier injection from the inversion layer to the contact, such that the primary photocurrent could be amplified.

