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篇名 功能化奈米粒子結合質譜儀之生物分子檢測平台的發展及應用
卷期 29:4=162
並列篇名 Development and Application of Functionalized Nanoparticles on Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Target Biomolecules
作者 林伯樵吳煥婷王凱儀陳玉如林俊成
頁次 66-77
出刊日期 200802


奈米材料的發展與應用在近年於不同領域的研究中皆有很成功的結果,其極小的尺度優勢大幅度提昇了反應時的靈敏度及效率。尤其在生物感測分析的開發與應用上,奈米粒子更是在受質的辨認與純化上扮演極為關鍵的角色。配合在生物大分子分析上極為重要的基質輔助雷射脫附質譜儀的分析,可建立一個快速、準確的檢測平台。從大如細胞到小如蛋白質及小分子的萃取與鑑定,此一平台都展現相當優異的能力。在本文中,將針對目前台灣數個團隊在此領域的優異研究成果進行介紹,並詳細討論本實驗團隊所發展之奈米探針結合親和性質譜分析平台(NBAMS) 在幾個重要領域的研究成果。


In recent studies, nanomaterials show the excellent performance in diverse fields. Due to the high surface area to volume ratio, nanomaterials obviously improve the sensitivity and efficiency compared with conventional micro-scaled materials. Combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI), functionalized nanoparticles established a rapid and reliable platform for various biomolecules extraction and analysis, from cell to protein and small molecule. In this article, we will introduce several important works done by Taiwan research groups and the new developed technique “nanoprobe-based affinity mass spectrometry” (NBAMS) by our group.

