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篇名 應用於晶圓表面奈米微粒檢測的多方向偏振散射光量測儀
卷期 29:4=162
並列篇名 Goniometric Polarized Light-Scattering Instrument for Nanoparticles on Wafer Inspection
作者 劉承揚劉子安傅尉恩
頁次 78-84
出刊日期 200802


在晶圓表面上的奈米級微粒的粒徑和分布是半導體製程中相當重要的檢測參數。針對此需求,工研院量測中心發展出一套奈米級的多方位偏振散射光量測儀,使用一個可四個角度旋轉的多方向調整機構來量測由晶圓表面上奈米微粒的偏振散射光,再經由此散射光的Mueller 矩陣來計算和分辨奈米微粒的粒徑大小,其可量測的微粒直徑範圍為100 nm-1mm,並可承載4-8 吋的晶圓進行量測。


The diameter and distribution measurements of nanoparticles on wafers are critical parameters in the semiconductor industry for ensuring the quality of the transistors and increasing the production rate. A goniometric optical scatter instrument has been developed at CMS/ITRI to readily perform polarized light scattering measurements for the diameter and distribution measurements of nanoparticles on wafer. The designed scatter instrument is capable of distinguishing various types of optical scattering characteristics, which are corresponding to the diameters of the nanoparticles, near surfaces by using the Mueller matrix calculation. The measurement range of nanoparticle diameters is 100 nm to 1 mm on 4 inches to 8 inches wafers.

