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篇名 摩擦配向製程參數對液晶顯示器配向效果的影響
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 The Effect of the Rubbing-parameter on the Alignment of the Liquid Crystal Device
作者 郭偉銘陳文仁黃振球
頁次 23-32
關鍵字 摩擦配向表面摩擦強度和預傾角Rubbing alignmentSurface rubbing strength and pretilt angle
出刊日期 200403




     In this study, the parameters of the PI flim (polyamide and polymaic acid) including rubbing times, roller speed and substrate speed and imidization temperature in the rubbing process of the liquid crystal displays were investigated. The principal evaluations on the rubbing effect were rubbing strength and pretilt angle. The more the rubbing times and the faster the roller speed, the stronger the rubbing strength. On the contrary, the faster the substrate speed, the weaker the rubbing strength. AFM was also used to examine the roughness on the surface of alignment film.
