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篇名 界面效應對感光塗料分散穩定性與塗佈均勻性之影響
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 Interfacial Effect for Dispersive Stability and Uniform Coating of Photosensitive Paint
作者 劉明輝楊振仁
頁次 13-22
關鍵字 界面效應感光顏料分散穩定雷射印表機有機感光鼓Laser printerOrganic photoconductorPhotosensitive pigmentDispersive stabilityInterfacial effect
出刊日期 200403


     有機感光鼓(organic photoconductor, OPC)為雷射印表機數位成像機構的核心元件,其製程是將含有感光顏料之樹脂塗料,以浸鍍方式(dip-coating)塗佈至鋁基材表面,形成感光塗層,而其顯像機構則是利用雷射光激發樹脂塗層中的感光顏料進行光電作用,以產生靜電潛像(latent image)。上述過程中,元件上感光顏料的分散均勻性對於有機感光鼓之製程良率及效能扮演著決定性之角色。本研究嘗試以不同混合溶劑系統來達到調控與製備具不同極性及界面性質之感光顏料塗佈液,藉此強化感光顏料的分散穩定及塗膜的均勻性。實驗結果顯示,不同混合溶劑系統中,溶劑極性及界面性質分別對分散穩定性及塗佈液的塗佈均勻性有顯著之影響。此外,實驗結果亦顯示部分溶劑似乎會影響感光顏料的分子特性並造成感光顏料對雷射光的吸收波長偏移,進而影響感光顏料的光電效能。


     The organic photoconductor (OPC) for digital image printout is the core component of laser printer. Its manufacturing process adopts the dip-coating method with the photosensitive paint on the aluminum substrate. The process of developing image is by means of laser beam to light the photosensitive pigment of the OPC and inducing photoelectric effect to developing latent image of static electricity. Therefore, the uniform dispersion of photosensitive pigment on the OPC component is very important for the production and efficiency of OPC. This work attempts to make different polar and interfacial properties of photosensitive paint by mixing the different solvents, so as to enhance the dispersive stability and uniform coating of photosensitive paint. The experimental result shows that the polar property of solvent affects the dispersive stability of photosensitive pigment and the interfacial property affects the uniform coating of photosensitive paint. Moreover, the experimental result also shows that the partial solvents maybe affect the molecular properties of photosensitive pigment to shift the absorbable wavelength and the photoelectric efficiency.
