
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 學校科技領導向度與指標發展之研究
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 A Study of the Development of Dimensions and Standards on School Technology Leadership
作者 張奕華蕭衡許正妹
頁次 161-187
關鍵字 科技管理數位原生數位移民學校科技領導Technology managementDigital nativeDigital immigrantSchool technology leadershipTSSCI
出刊日期 200702




With the increasing importance of information across the globe and increasingly fast advances in new technology, technologies such as computers and the Internet are gaining importance as learning tools on school campuses. The most important role of information technology in schools is that of improving education. Consequently, the role of school principals has evolved from that of building manager, instructional and curriculum leader to the new role of technology leadership. Schools with strong technology leadership can reinvigorate school culture and facilitate effective school management, improving teaching and administration results using information technology. Taking all this into account, the purpose of this study was to develop the dimensions and standards of school technology leadership and to empirically investigate teachers’ perceptions of the current status of elementary schools’ technology leadership in seven different cities and regions in Taiwan. This study found that the current status of technology leadership in schools was generally positive. The interpersonal relations and communication skills were the basis of technology leadership. In order to raise the effectiveness of administration and teaching, schools should actively pursue technology leadership.
