
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 善用資本市場運作充實臺灣高等教育經營所需之財源
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 A Study of Utilizing Capital Market into Higher Education Finance in Taiwan
作者 陳信憲潘麗卿黃美賢
頁次 101-131
關鍵字 高等教育高等教育財政資本市場Capital marketHigher educationHigher education financeTSSCI
出刊日期 200702




In recent years, since government deregulated higher education and empowered the universities autonomy, the universities in Taiwan became more self-governance to manage their resources and control their budgets simultaneously. By examining many developed countries, they have experienced successfully integrating the resources from capital market to expand education budgets; therefore it can be expected Taiwan’s higher education will go forward at the same way to get the resources from the public.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of applying capital market into higher education finance in Taiwan. To learn from those developed countries, this study came up four methods not only to improve the universities’ finance but also sustain higher education management: (1) Issuing higher education bonds for collecting school developing funds. (2) Investing university fund to higher earning capital market rather than just deposit the money in saving accounts. (3) Allowing to establish the entrepreneur universities. (4) Deriving active funding strategies for attracting people willingness to donate financial resources to universities.
To strength the higher education finance in Taiwan, this study strongly urged the Taiwan government to enlarge the flexibility of university funds. Under this circumstance, each university can reach its own optimal financial status via using capital market.
