
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 大學學校環境與其對學生滿意度之影響:公私立大學之比較研究
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 The University Environment and Its Impact on Student Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Universities
作者 劉淑蓉
頁次 77-99
關鍵字 大學環境公立與私立大學高等教育學生滿意度學校環境University environmentStudent satisfactionPublic and private universitiesSchool environmentHigher educationTSSCI
出刊日期 200702




The university environment plays a critical role in the pursuit of excellence at higher education institutions. Educational research has documented the close relationship of school environment and student academic achievement. This study investigated the psychosocial environment at Taiwanese higher education institutions from their students’ perspective. Since public and private universities vary considerably in administration, funding, and student characteristics, it also compared and related student perceptions of their environment to measures of student satisfaction at the two types of universities. A new instrument, the “College and University Environment Inventory—Students,” tested for reliability, validity, and feasibility, was applied to a sample consisting of 15,402 junior-year students at 35 public and 34 private universities in Taiwan. The results indicated that students in the two types of universities differed considerably in their demographic backgrounds and degrees of overall satisfaction with their universities.
These students also held varying and distinct views toward seven environmental aspects of their universities. Moreover, measures of both the students’ learning satisfaction and their overall satisfaction with their universities were significantly associated with these environmental variables, after controlling for student background characteristics. In particular, students’ learning satisfaction was most strongly affected by faculty-student relations. This study thus informed the rethinking of higher education policy by enhancing current understandings of the psychosocial environment at universities, as well as its influence on student satisfaction.
