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篇名 學校革新發展與評鑑策略之啟示--以美國Florida州教育廳技術輔助文件為例
卷期 58、58
並列篇名 The Application of School Improvement in Development and Evaluation: The Example of Florida Department of Education in USA
作者 徐易男黃昭勳
頁次 45-59
關鍵字 Florida州教育廳教育品質學校革新學校評鑑Education qualityFlorida department of educationSchool evaluationSchool improvement
出刊日期 200811


學校革新有助於學校辦學品質與績效責任達成,並對校長校務頓導有所助益。因此本文擬從學校革新的意義與內涵、學校革新的發展談起,並介紹美國Florida州教育廳所出版的學校革新評鑑策略輔助文件,論述其評鑑之內涵,最後並提供七點教育敢示,包括(1)透過RDDA模式促成學校革新的達成;(2)強調績效責任; (3)學生學習成就的重視; (4)教師素質的提升; (5)重 視各層級之教育目的與實施策略問層次觀與關聯性;(6)頓導者施行跨域治 理;(7)建立標竿學校等提供給教育工作者參考。


School improvement will promote school quality and accountability, and it also will enhance the ability of principal's leadership. Firstly,the essay introduces the meanings and connotation of school improvement. Besides, it notices the evaluation and strategies of school improvement in Florida State in USA. Finally the author suggests some strategies about school improvement. (1) achieve school improvement by RDDA model; (2) emphasize the accountability; (3) lay emphasis on the performance of students; (4) advance the teacher quality; (5) connect the education goals and the strategies; (6) administer cross-field governance; (7) frame the benchmarking school.
