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篇名 偏遠地區國中學生基測成績之探究
卷期 58、58
並列篇名 An Exploration of Basic-Test Records from Junior Middle Schools at Remote Districts
作者 黃怡雯
頁次 60-75
關鍵字 偏遠地區國中學測國中學測成績The remote districtsThe basic-test of junior middle schoolsThe records of junior middle schools
出刊日期 200811





Due to funds insuffciency, high teacher flow rate, information dropping variances, the remote district schools are become “adark angle of education." Furthermore, nine years consistent curriculum is produced from the view of the city life that expaned quality disparity between the city and the village. LinShengfu (1982) pointed out the social class is possibly involved of the education economic capacity,the effects of the family structure, the value idea, the language type and the education way which varied the educated achievement. The basic-test of junior middle schools is designed and proposed mostly pondered by scholars' angle that lacked of considering the needs of the remote districts students. Theworse, a dual-peak phenomenon appeared among junior middle schools.

From Educational Sociology prospects, this study analyzes the factors of junior middle schools students from remote districts in order to submit some findings which can be a help to future teaching or to improve policy process.
