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篇名 國民中小學校長權責問題與展望之探究
卷期 59
並列篇名 A Study on Principals' Power and Responsibility in JuniorHigh School and Primary School
作者 童鳳嬌林志成
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 junior high school and primary school, principal's power校長權貴權力責任
出刊日期 200901




Themain purpose of this research is to understand principals's power, responsibility and challenge. Theresearcher based on literature review and interview and summarized the main result and suggestion. First,analyze the principal's power and responsibility. Second, explore the challenge of the principal's power and responsibility. By interviewing with the principals of the junior high school and primary school, understand the power they have used in their school. Third,explore the principal's power and responsibility in USA. Except to develop the principal's power and responsibility, and build the perfect system in Taiwan. At last, bring up some suggestion for the principal's responsibility and power. Hope to establish a reasonable system, develop the action of wisdom, make use of caring power, perform full power and elaborate the power of education.
