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篇名 卓越領導校長學校經營策略之探究
卷期 59
並列篇名 A Study on Excellent Leadership Principals' School Management Strategy
作者 林仁煥
頁次 023-048
關鍵字 卓越領導學校經營excellent leadershipschool management
出刊日期 200901




Thisstudy adopts document analysis and interview to investigate excellent principals'school management strategy. Interviewees are receivers of Excellent Principal Award conferred by Ministry of Education. Throughthese interviews, it is found that these excellent principals have great achievement in demonstration of leadership paradigm, practice of education ideas, management of school climate, development of school characteristics, establishment of public relation and achievement of out-standing performances. To facilitate school changes, create new educational value and obtain excellent educational goal, school leaders should (1) develop school vision and core value; (2)make good use of new leadership model and demonstrate excellent leadership; (3) establish learning organization and promote professional competency; (4)integratemultiple educational ideas and implement school-based curriculum; (5) nourish a friendly school climate and cultivate school culture; (6) innovate school management and build an excellent education brand; (7) apply social resources and bring strategic alliance into full play; and (8) participate in community activities actively and forge a reciprocal relationship.
