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篇名 建構學習型的學校--以一所國民小學為例
卷期 59
並列篇名 To Become a School of Learning Type:Take a Primary School as an Example
作者 林煥民
頁次 063-075
關鍵字 A school of learning typeIntellectual capitalKnowledge economyKnowledge managementKnowledge workers知講經濟知講管理知講工作者學習型學校學智慧資本
出刊日期 200901




In globalization's times, enterprise organizations face the changes on socially fast development. At challenging and changing" knowledge economy" era, they take a series of growing activities like “knowledgemanagement" and “Knowledgeworkers" and wish to improve the organizational performance. Moreover, the non-profit schools are currently regarded as learning enterprise organizations who are adjusted, changed, and innovated in order to keep on eduactional quality improving. Therefore if someone would conclude and define the concept and technology of “knowledgemanagement", apply them to schools, and construct “aschool of learning type". Through"knowledgeteachers", the schools can execute with sharing, circulating, creating and extra values, and even produce innovative education facilities, courses, medias and experts. By the successful knowledge management, the schools can accumulate with the manpower construction, relationship and innovation in collecting “intelligent capital" and raising up the competitiveness.
