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篇名 從雙文化脈絡的研究來看台灣弱勢族群
卷期 59
並列篇名 Consult the School Education of Disadvantaged Ethnicities in Taiwan from Bi-Culture Researches
作者 林翠玲劉智忠
頁次 076-095
關鍵字 雙文化弱勢族群學校教育bi-culturedisadvantaged ethnicityschool education
出刊日期 200901




Owing to the economic and democratic development in recent years, the ethnicity has been noticed in Taiwan, especially the welfare of the disadvantaged ethnicities. In school education, because of the changes of population structure, which result in the focus changes from aboriginal pupils to foreign spouse children. Theaboriginal pupils have to experience the special bi-culture accommodation that most school kids do not need, while the foreign spouse children have to experience different culture and language in family due to their mothers come from another country. Basically, the educational problem of foreign spouse children should be distinguished from the aboriginal pupils, but the social situation of the two is quite similar - both are disadvantaged ethnicities of Taiwan. In the New Zealand society, white race's culture and the aboriginal Maori culture live together. TheAmerican society is the large smelting pot gathered from white race's culture and culture of every immigrant's ethnicity. Theprimary purpose of this thesis is to consult bi-culture researches form New Zealand and America that are resembling to Taiwan, so that the educational problems of aboriginal and foreign spouse children might be amended.
