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篇名 組織公平研究對學校行政的啟示
卷期 59
並列篇名 The Implication of Organizational Justice Research for School Administration
作者 王艾苓
頁次 096-112
關鍵字 互動公平分配公平組織公平程序公平學校行政distributive justiceinteractional justiceschool administrationprocedural justiceorganizational justice
出刊日期 200901




What organizational justice concerns with are people's perceptions of fairness in organizations. According to researches, perceptions of organizational justice have been shown to have effects on people's motivation, well-being, performance, attitudes, behaviors and other outcomes relevant to organizations and organizational members. In recent years, organizational justice has become one of the most popular research areas in organizational behavior and has contributed to our understanding of people's experiences and reactions in work contexts. Thisarticle introduces the origin and development of organizational justice, then interprets the dimensions and debate of the theory, and describes the organizational justice researches in school. Finally,the implication for school administration will be proposed.
