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篇名 實踐教育諾言--一位初任校長的反思歷程
卷期 59
並列篇名 A Self-Reflection of a Newly Appointed Principal
作者 葉舜益
頁次 155-166
關鍵字 社區參與資源整合反思學習校長領導community involvementresource integrationto reflect on learningthe principal leadership
出刊日期 200901




Itwill be a career-long practice to fulfill the commitment to education not only a trainee in the training class for the Reserved Junior High School Principal but a principal in 0ffice. A self-reflection on the practice will also be one of the topics of life-long continuing education for a junior high school principal.
A newly appointed principal will reflect himself on the practice of operating a school with "the principal leadership and community involvement" that will include the act of binding himself to his school teachers, students, student parents, and the integration with the community resources to develop a school-based curriculum. Thesuccess on establishing the principal-teachers-students relationship and school-community bond will make the commitment of promising hope and opportunity to the next generation come true.
This article is based on the self-examination of a newly appointed junior high school principal operating his school on the efforts of community involvement and integration of community resources. Theauthor tries to introduce the concept and ones experience of “selιreflectionon education" as a part of and to reinforce the school operation improvement
