
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 華人的內隱自尊
卷期 22
並列篇名 Implicit Self-esteem in Chinese
作者 余思賢孫蒨如
頁次 329-357
關鍵字 Priming task內隱自尊Implicit self-esteemIATImplicit association testExplicit self-esteemChinese culture觸發作業華人外顯自尊內隱關聯測驗TSCITSSCI
出刊日期 200412



Previous studies have often suggested that Westerners have positive implicit self-esteem (ISE). This study investigated Chinese people’s implicit self-esteem (ISE), a topic which has been relatively neglected, and explored the best ways to measure it. Three priming tasks and the Implicit Association Test (IAT) were employed to measure ISE. Two experiments were conducted and a total of one hundred and eighty three Chinese participants were randomly assigned to receive the IAT test or a priming task (I, self, or one’s own name served as the prime). Results showed that use of a participant's own name as a priming task was the most effective way to measure the individual’s implicit self-esteem. Overall results indicated that Chinese people have positive implicit self-esteem. Implications are discussed.
