
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 人我之際:臺灣大學生的生涯建構歷程
卷期 17
並列篇名 Between Self and Others: The Career Construction Process of College Students in Taiwan
作者 王秀槐
頁次 165-242
關鍵字 TaiwanSelf-orientationOther-orientationIndigenous culture researchIn-between orientationCollege studentsCareer construction居間取向自我取向生涯建構本土文化臺灣他人取向大學生TSCITSSCI
出刊日期 200206



This study examines the context and the process with which college students in Taiwan construct their careers. Intensive life-history interviews were conducted with 20 college graduates from various fields of study at 7 universities. Within-case and cross-case narrative summary was applied to analyze the interview data. The results show that the career construction process can be characterized as a dynamic interaction between self and others. Personal interests and characteristics as well as social values and others' expectations constitute the foundations for constructing career goals and making important career decisions. Three groups exist among col1ege students based on their orientation toward self and others: (1) other-oriented, (2) self-oriented, and (3) in-between. These 3 groups construct their careers differently in (1) forming early career aspirations in childhood, (2) transforming career aspirations in secondary school, (3) choosing college majors and constructing college experiences, (4 )making career plans after graduation, and (5) conceiving images for future life. The experiences of the in-between group can be further differentiated into 4 patterns: (1) balance between self and others, (2) adaptation of se1f to others, (3) conflict between self and others, and (4) incorporation of others into self. The childhood experiences, self-identity status, college training, career commitment, future life image, self-other relationship, and scope. of moral concerns of different career orientations are explicated and implications of the findings and limitations of this study are discussed.
