
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 從「天人類比」再思「控制觀」:一個行動理論的觀點
卷期 17
並列篇名 Reconstructing the Chinese Control Belief from the Heaven-Person-Analogy: An Action Theory Perspective
作者 郭士賢
頁次 269-307
關鍵字 Heaven-person-analogyControl beliefAdaptationAction theory寧可信其有順應行動理論控制觀天人類比TSCITSSCI
出刊日期 200206



Since the 1960s the locus of control theory has been discussed worldwide. This theory highlights belief in an internal-external distinction of control. In the 80s the primary-secondary control theory provided further theoretical consideration of the process of psychological control. The Western theoretical perspective of control is based on the Cartesian subject-object dichotomy allowing independent interaction between the person and the world. Western theories of control beliefs refer either to the world (internal or primary control) or to the person (external or secondary control). In traditional Chinese cosmology, the subject is seen as an inseparable part of nature, which is composed of three concepts: Heaven, Earth, and Person. The interaction between these three groups is understood to be interrelated with analogical effects. Chinese control beliefs are adaptation-oriented, and they are directed both to the subject at the action level and to the world intentionally. People try to change themselves in order to change the world. Traditional fortune-telling and Feng-Shui beliefs in Taiwan are discussed in this paper as examples that reveal the analogical interrelation between heavenly timing, spatial adequacy, and personal life events. Under such analogical thinking, personal action is seen as one of the necessary conditions of a life event.
