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篇名 從方言和普通話的辯證關係看台灣文學的語言問題
卷期 12
並列篇名 Language Problems in Taiwan Literature in Light of the Dialectical Relationship between Standard Chinese and the Dialects
作者 呂正忠
頁次 065-084
關鍵字 普通話方言白話文standard Chinesevernacular literaturelocal dialectTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 199205




The vernacular literature is not necessarily the most colloquial form; for most of the people of China's dialect regions, that language is the local dialect. The so·called vernacular literature is, in principle, the written form of the standard language developed out of the Beijing speech form and is acquired in the process of getting an education. Only insofar as Standard Chinese and the dialects maintain an interplay can the standard form adopt the grammatical particularities, vocabulary and flavor of the dialects. This is a source of strength and life for the language, a point attested to by the novelistic tradition developed in ver· nacular literature influenced by Zhao ShulL In this context, two major problems confronting Taiwan Literatureare addressed. The largest dialects on Taiwan were long suppressed on politioal grounds and the speakers of the mainland dialects were too few and too widely disperssd. As a result, neither group of dialects devel· oped, and standard Chinese has been impoverished. Second, the long· term classroom prohibition of excellent vernacular writing models from the mainland retarded literary development.
