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篇名 塗覆環氧樹脂玻璃纖維工程火災預防研究
卷期 17:4
並列篇名 A Study on Prevention of Fire Hazard in Coating FPR Work
作者 吳鴻鈞歐新榮張日誠唐綮
頁次 480-494
關鍵字 塗覆FRP火災意外火災預防CoatingFRPFire accidentFire prevention
出刊日期 200912




In this study, we investigated and analyzed the causes of fire hazards based on actual accidents that occurred during epoxy resin fiberglass-coating operations. The research showed that, during the operational process, two major factors can lead to a fire. One factor concerns the heat released after mixing the epoxy and the polyamide-curing agent. Using differential scanning calorimetry and differential heat / thermal weight analysis, we found that a mixture of epoxy and curing agent at above 52.78℃ creates a heat-releasing hazard. Also, an pseudo-diabatic analysis performed in a Dewar vessle showed that the emperature could rise from 23.5℃ to 177℃. The other factor that could increase the fire hazard is the illumination source used during the coating operation. Our experiment simulating the accident conditions indicated that the temperature could rise above 350℃. The fiberglass-reinforced plastics showed serious burn marks, and the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cable emitted small explosion-causing flames. The fire cause determination for mixed heat release of epoxy resin and curing agent with long turn illumination cause temperature increase archive PVC autoignition temperature 263℃ to ignite xylene flammable solvents.
