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篇名 老年中醫養生飲食
卷期 57:2
並列篇名 Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietary Regimens for the Elderly
作者 李英英蔡金川丘周萍
頁次 16-19
關鍵字 中醫飲食養生老人traditional Chinese medicinethe elderlydietary regimensMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201004




Food-based nutrition is a main source of physical and spiritual energy and the basis of maintaining healthy growth, development, and regular activity. Because the elderly experience organ degeneration and insufficient energy and nutrition, together with chronic diseases, they need a diet able to deliver proper nutrition and calories. Such diets can help strengthen the physical condition, prevent disease, and even control and treat disease. Therefore, dietary regimens have been viewed as the most basic form of geriatric care, and have also proven highly effective. Traditional Chinese medicine has accu-mulated abundant experience in the implementation of dietary regimens for the elderly for more than three thousand years. Main Chinese medicine principles addressed in this article include: eating at set times; eating food in appropriate quantities; eating plain food items; eating food that is cooked, soft
and warm; chewing carefully and swallowing slowly; having a hearty breakfast, an adequate lunch, and a small dinner; maintaining a balanced diet; eating a mix of flavors; adjusting the diet as needed; choosing appropriate foods based on specific body needs / conditions / diseases; and taking regular walks, rinsing the mouth and massaging the abdomen gently after meals. These suggestions, if fol-lowed properly, can contribute significantly to elderly health.
