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篇名 網路世代護理人員工作價值觀、工作特性與工作投入之相關性
卷期 57:2
並列篇名 Relationships Amongst Work Values, Job Characteristics and Job Involvement in Net Generation Nurses
作者 陳淑惠邱啟潤
頁次 29-38
關鍵字 工作特性工作價值觀工作投入網路世代work valuesnet generationjob characteristicsjob involvementMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201004




Background: Children of the so-called “net generation” began joining the nurse workforce from the mid-1990s. Studies on the characteristics of this generation have been done primarily outside of Taiwan, and results may not ad-equately reflect conditions in Taiwan due to cultural differences.
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationships amongst work values, job characteristics and job involve-ment in “net generation” nurses.
Method: This study employed a cross-sectional design. A randomized sample of 370 nurses born between 1977 and 1985 working in a medical center or a community hospital in Southern Taiwan accepted our invitation to join this study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data.
Results: (1) Variables including work values, job characteristics, head nurse leadership qualities, job structure and opportunities for in-service education all correlated significantly with job involvement. (2) Regression analysis showed work values, job characteristics, head nurse leadership and religious belief to be significant predictors of job involve-ment, explaining 22.6% of the variance.
Conclusion: This study provides insights that may be of potential value to nursing administrators. We suggest that administrators adopt emocratic management practices, build diverse learning methods, strengthen autonomy, com-pleteness, and feedback, and provide appropriate work guidance for nurses to increase job involvement.
