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篇名 第二型糖尿病個案情緒困擾、賦權感受、自我照顧行為 與生活品質關係之探討
卷期 57:2
並列篇名 Relationships Between Emotional Distress,Empowerment Perception and Self-Care Behavior and Quality of Life in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
作者 劉美吟戴研光洪薇雯謝明家王瑞霞
頁次 49-60
關鍵字 糖尿病生活品質自我照顧行為賦權感受情緒困擾diabetesemotional distressquality of lifeself-care behaviorempowerment perceptionMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201004


ߠ背景: 糖尿病是全球廣泛盛行的慢性疾病,不僅造成醫療費用負擔,更衝擊糖尿病個案的生活品質,因此了解影響糖尿病個案生活品質的相關因素是極重要的。


Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder prevalent worldwide that, in addition to being costly to man-age, severely impacts patient quality life. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand the factors associated with quality of life in diabetic patients.
Purpose: The purposes of this study were to investigate relationships between variables including demographics, dis-ease characteristics, emotional distress, empowerment perception, and self-care behavior and quality of life, as well as to identify the important explanatory factors of quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Methods: This study used a design that was cross-sectional, descriptive and correlated. A total of 220 patients diag-nosed with type 2 diabetes in the previous ten year period were recruited as participants in this study. Data was col-lected using a structured questionnaire that incorporated scales to capture demographic, disease characteristic, emo-
tional distress, empowerment perception, self-care behavior and quality of life data. The quality of life scale measured the three domains of satisfaction, impact, and worried about the diabetes.
Results: Results included: (1) the standardized score of quality of life was 79.6, considered in the moderate to high range; (2) Education level, age, “diabetes shared care” participation and insulin therapy were variables with significant impact upon quality of life; (3) The more severe the emotional distress, the worse quality of life scores were in every domain; (4) The better the perception of empowerment, the better the score in the satisfaction domain; (5) The better self care behavior was, the better the score in the satisfaction domain; and (6) emotional distress was the most impor-tant explanatory factor of quality of life, accounting for 28.7%-53.8% of total variance.
Conclusion / Implications for practice: The findings of this study suggested that health professionals should evaluate emotional distress of diabetic patients in the early stage, provide emotional support and consultation and ap-ply empowerment strategy to promote their quality of life.
