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篇名 台灣護理人員職場暴力經驗及其相關因素研究
卷期 57:2
並列篇名 Nurse Violence in the Workplace: A Study of Experiences and Related Factors in Taiwan
作者 李選白香菊顏文娟
頁次 61-69
關鍵字 護士職場暴力nursesworkplace violenceMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201004


背景: 職場暴力是目前全球關注的焦點,尤其是醫療機構中職場暴力事件時常以護理人員發生的機率最高。
結果:本研究結果顯示有294位(56%)護理人員於職場中曾經歷「精神暴力」事件;而經歷「身體暴力」事件者則有103位 (19.6%) 。若以身體暴力、言語辱罵、威脅/滋擾、性騷擾分別視之,以 「語言暴力」發生的機率最高(271位,51.6%) 。而暴力事件發生相關因子包含年齡、性別、教育、工作年資、輪班。另外,所有護理人員指出主要施暴者依序是病患、其家屬(親戚)與工作同儕,而僅有198位(37.7%)護理人員指出工作機構有建置暴力事件通報的具體機制。


Background: Workplace violence is an issue that recognizes no national boundaries. Nurses face a higher than aver-age level of violence in the healthcare institutions in which they work.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the prevalence of workplace violence and its related factors amongst nurses in healthcare settings in Taiwan.
Methods: A cross-sectional study using a convenience sampling technique was conducted. A total of 1,000 question-naires were distributed, with 525 valid returns received.
Results: Results showed that 294 (56%) nurses reported having experienced physical violence. One hundred and three nurses (19.6%) reported experiencing psychological violence and 271 reported experiencing verbal abuse (51.6%). Fac-tors found in this study to have a significant relationship with violence included age, gender, education background,
job seniority and work shift status. The most significant groups of violence perpetrators were, in order of importance, patients, patient families/relatives, and co-workers. Despite the high prevalence of violence at healthcare institutions, only 198 (37.7%) participants agreed that their workplace had established violence reporting guidelines.
Conclusions / Implications: Results provide specific data and insights into the prevalence of workplace violence faced by nurses in Taiwan. These findings may help nursing administrators, educators and healthcare managers pre-vent, reduce, and control such incidents in the future.
