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篇名 正撞氣囊之臺車衝擊試驗模擬分析
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Simulation Analysis of Sled Test of Frontal Airbag
作者 鄧作樑戴紹峰許哲綱
頁次 039-046
關鍵字 正面碰撞氣囊臺車衝擊試驗Frontal impactAirbagSled testMADYMO
出刊日期 201103


正面碰撞為車禍發生比例與死亡率最高的碰撞事故,因此,為了有效降低乘員的傷亡,各大車廠不斷的研發智慧型的被動安全系統,其中正撞氣囊為主要的裝置之一,氣囊主要可緩衝乘員頭部在事故中的衝擊力,以及避免與車內結構接觸碰撞導致受傷與死亡。為了證實正撞氣囊在碰撞事故中的防護性能,必須進行各式安全性法規檢測。由於各項安全檢測及碰撞試驗的成本過於龐大且重複性低,故各大車廠及氣囊研發單位為節省成本及人力資源,採用電腦輔助工程(computer aided engineering, CAE)分析工具取代高成本的實驗測試。本研究首先以 MADYMO軟體建立正撞氣囊數值模型;為評估氣囊模型的安全性,並進行台車衝擊試驗數值模擬,並分析人偶損傷程度,以評估所設計之正撞氣囊模組對乘員保護的安全性與有效性。為驗證本研究氣囊模型與碰撞測試數值模擬的正確性,相關模擬結果並與實驗測試結果進行比對。本研究除可建立國內車輛碰撞數值模擬分析能量,並可藉由氣囊數值模擬驗程序提供車廠及相關研究單位對正撞氣囊設計與改良之參考。


Frontal impact collisions are the most frequent cause of serious motor vehicle accidents. Many protection devices are widely used in vehicles for reducing the severity of occupant injury. Airbags are one of the more effective occupant restraint systems for preventing injury in the case of an automobile collision. Airbags can cushion crushing forces and reduce the chances of the head and upper body of the occupant striking some part of the vehicle interior. To develop and assess an effective and safe airbag for occupant protection, sled and crash tests must be performed. Additionally, considering occupant injuries is necessary for conforming to safety regulations. Real car crash tests are complex and expensive; therefore, CAE methodologies can increase product development process efficiency. As such, computer simulation is an economical and time efficient alternative to physical testing. This study discusses airbag module technologies in MADYMO, having created a finite element model of an airbag using the MADYMO software. To assess the safety of the airbag module, numerical simulations of a sled test were performed. This study also discusses the severity of dummy injury. Thus, the safety and availability of airbags for occupants can be assessed. To verify the accuracy of the proposed airbag module, simulation results are compared with those obtained from experimental tests. These numerical procedures can establish the simulation capability of car crash tests. The results indicate that the numerical model proposed in this study has considerable potential for guiding the future development of the safety and efficiency of airbags.
