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篇名 電力合約市場下之競標與最佳調度資訊系統
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Optimal Dispatch and Bidding Information Systems for the Power Contracting Market
作者 黃琮暉黃仲麒楊智評蕭英男
頁次 047-057
關鍵字 電力自由化社會福利最佳化電力潮流競標Power deregulationSocial welfareOptimal power flowCompetitive bidding
出刊日期 201103


近年來綠能環保相關議題受到社會大眾之重視,石油危機的堀起,發電廠之燃料成本節節上升下,各先進國家為求降低供電成本、提高電力品質及提昇整體產業生產力,均積極推動電力自由化。此外,更修改傳統 OPF之目標函數為「社會福利」最大化,為電業市場造就更多的商機,達到買賣方雙贏的局面。最後,本文提出在自由化的競爭市場中,建立一套人性化、操作容易且可處理大量標單的投標環境,提供發電業和配電業雙方一個公平、公開、公正之競標系統。


In recent years, environmental issues related to green energy have received much emphasis in the international community. Because of the oil crisis, fuel costs of power plants have increased. In order to actively promote the deregulation of electricity supply to achieve lower costs, all advanced countries have improved power quality and overall industry productivity. In addition, the objective function of traditional optimal power flow has been amended to become part of
