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篇名 串聯式鋰電池組電能診斷管理系統之研究
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Study of Series Li-ion Batteries Electric Energy Diagnosis and Management System
作者 張舜長劉鈞宇
頁次 069-080
關鍵字 電池管理系統電池殘電量Battery management systemState of charge
出刊日期 201103


文探討高電壓鋰電池組串聯運行時的電池診斷管理系統,如無法充分保護電池狀態,會縮短電池壽命,降低電池效率,甚至影響到電池殘電量偵測準確性。因此提出了一種串聯式鋰電池組的電池診斷管理控制器,它可以保護電池不受到損壞,藉此保持電池的使用效率,整個系統由殘電量偵測顯示器、電池診斷模組、電池管理模組建構而成。利用此系統可達到平衡各電池電壓、管理電池組可承受之充、放電電流與溫度高低,估測電池組目前殘量與剩餘壽命,本控制器使用 8051與凌力爾特出產的 LTC6802保護 IC作為核心架構,經由測試,可達成電池保護之目的。


This study focuses on a series Li-ion battery electrical energy diagnosis and management system. A failure to protect batteries adequately can lead to shortened lifespan, reduced efficiency, and compromised accuracy in the state of charge (SOC). Using Li-ion batteries electric series energy diagnosis management controller can protect batteries from damage, and maintain working efficiency. The entire system consists of a battery diagnosis module and a module for the management of batteries. The system is capable of balancing the voltage for each battery, estimating residual energy, and determining the state of health of batteries. The controller comprises a single 8051 chip and IC-LTC6802 with the aim of protecting batteries.
