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篇名 在愛中沒有恐懼─同性戀行為之性愛倫理分析
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 There is No Fear in Love-A Study on the Morality of Homosexual Behavior
作者 陳立言
頁次 001-039
關鍵字 同性戀性行為倫理分析homosexualitysexethics analysislove
出刊日期 201106




"The issue of homosexuality has entered the arena of politicalcorrectness in the current cultural environment which emphasizes gender equality. Hitherto, it was a topic rather neglected by academia as some believed that it is unnecessary to discuss the ethical status of thehomosexuality. However, for education workers, who should always seek the truth, it is vital to adopt a well informed perspective after carefully differentiating and examining the underlying concepts, a process which is also the main principle of this research.The discussion of the ethical concepts related to homosexuality not only involves an ethical judgment on the behavior of a specific social community, but also pertains closely to sexual ethics in a broader sense. In the discussions on life education, the fundamental principle is that “while one's attitude has to be fair, one's perspective does not necessarily need to be neutral.” By engaging in rational dialogues, people on both sides of the ethical debate can delve more deeply into the core concepts of the issue and better understand the general definitions of sexual or marital relationships. Through such dialogues, we can get closer to the truth and learn more about the true meaning of love.This study will first clarify some important terminologies employed in the text, in order to avoid any argument that may arise from semantic confusion. Furthermore, some disputes regarding the homosexual tendency are also discussed, including its possible causes and whether this tendency could or should be changed. Through the discussions, the relevant medical, psychological, social and scientific facts are also presented, in order to strengthen the following ethical analysis of homosexual behavior. The dispute of the ethical analysis is the question whether homosexual behavior is morally wrong or not. This research tries to present the positive and negative discourses in relation to the pros and cons of this sexual behavior. The results of the analysis showed that no evidence can be found to support the viewpoint that homosexual behavior is immoral. Yet, the discourse that positively evaluates homosexual behavior is also untenable in terms of a solid theoretical foundation. Consequently, after delving into the rational points proposed by both sides, this study argues that homosexuality should be viewed as normal sexual behaviors as is the case with heterosexuality. The correctness of sexual behavior must be determined based on whether it matches sexual ethics, rather than the nature of the gender.The researcher of this study noticed that “love” is a premise or essential quality in the ethics of sex or marriage; without love, neither sexual ethics nor marital ethics would exist. It is not homosexuality but love that matters. Conversely, people who are against homosexuality usually view gender or giving birth as the basis of the ethics of sex or marriage while often ignoring the very important factor: love. Without love, no one could correctly understand the ethics of sex and marriage, or obtain a correct understanding of human nature and behavior."
