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篇名 同性性行為的道德評價
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 A Moral Evaluation of Homosexual Acts
作者 陳尚仁
頁次 067-091
關鍵字 同性戀性道德性傾向婚姻菲尼斯homosexualitysexual moralitysexual orientationmarriageJohn Finnis
出刊日期 201106




"This article offers a moral evaluation of homosexual acts. It argues that sexual acts should not derive solely from a sexual impulse. Rather, sexual acts should be performed by moral agents who make moral discernments and make volitional decisions. Regardless of sexualorientation, everyone is morally responsible for one's own sexual
behaviors. That is to say, sexual acts should comply with sexual morality.
Monogamy has attained its moral-legal status as the primary marital institution in major civilizations because it provides a structure that may fulfill three basic human needs: 1. sexual satisfaction, 2. a long-term, intimate, and stable emotional bond between couples, 3. and thus an ideal environment for raising children. There is a close relationship between sexual acts, romantic love, marriage, and child raising. The article argues that homosexual acts can only be evaluated when compared against the value of sexual acts within marriage.The article concludes by rejecting three common arguments in support of the moral legitimacy of homosexual acts: namely 1. that homosexuality is genetic, 2. that homosexual acts neither violate the rights of others nor harm the human society, and 3. that animals also practice homosexual acts."
