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篇名 跨越世代相遇:看見「老年男同志」
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 Breaking through Ageism: Understanding Elderly Gay Men in Taiwan
作者 王增勇
頁次 169-231
關鍵字 老年男同志老化老年歧視同志社群行動研究elderly gay manageismlife courseaction researchaging theorypolitics of identities
出刊日期 201106




Elderly gay men face a double exclusion and rejection from the heterosexual society and the gay community. As gay men, they must remain invisible in order to survive in a heterosexual society; as elderly men, their aged bodies are not well received in the gay community. Since the family is considered the main source of care in one's old age, growing old and being alone has been an anxiety for most Taiwanese gay men. This study was initiated by a group of young gay men with a desire to see elderly gay men's lives. Adopting participatory action research, the research team conducted life history interviews with twenty elderly gay men. Analysing seven life stories, this article investigates how Taiwanese elderly gay men experience their old age in Chinese cultural context. We found that, first, while some elderly gay men adopted stereotypic approach to understand their homosexual orientation as an illness, others perceived gay deserved equal rights like other people. Second, identities of Taiwanese elderly gay men are fluid due to their choice of marriage. We found that many Taiwanese elderly gay men married because producing an heir to carry on the family name is considered the duty of a son. Rather than seeing marriage and gay, the married gay men negotiated marriage and gay life within the family ethic discourse, by defining the time of being out as the end of their family responsibility. Our findings challenge the taken-forz-granted dichotomy of being gay and getting married. For these Taiwanese elderly gay men, being gay and fulfilling family responsibility are not incompatible. Third, those Taiwanese elderly gay men who decided not to marry would have to adopt various strategies to cope with pressure from the family. Leaving home is the most common strategy they used. Being a queer is to become a person in continuous forms of diaspora for these gay men who disobey social norms of family ethics. Ironically, Taiwanese gay men who did not marry tend to fall into the role of caregiver for their aged parents. Forth, Taiwanese elderly gay men have mixed feeling about gay community. They are strongly aware of the stereotypes toward old age in the gay community. The status as consumer offers a viable resistant subjectivity to this ageist discourse. But, the elderly gay men expected a gay-only community in their old age in order to be themselves.
