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篇名 可調適光學關鍵元件的設計與製作
卷期 33:1=183
並列篇名 Design and Fabrication of Critical Components in Adaptive Optics
作者 劉彥良林美妏蘇國棟
頁次 004-028
出刊日期 201108


可調適光學可以修正被扭曲的波前,是一種改善光學系統成像品質的技術。天文觀測、雷射、非線性光學、視光學及國防工業中,皆可見可調適光學的應用。本文將介紹如何設計與製作其中的光學關鍵元件:微透鏡陣列與可形變反射鏡,與它們在可調適光學中的應用。本文將展示毫米等級長焦 (一般為數百微米)且多種佈陣模式的微透鏡陣列的製作方式,並將其應用於 Shack-Hartmann 波前感測器,以印證設計與製作成果。另一方面,我們將展示直徑 20 毫米、67 個六角形驅動電極的大幅度可形變反射鏡,並以實驗證實可形變反射鏡在波前修正的成果。


Adaptive optics is a technology that improves the performance of optical systems by reducing wavefront distortion.Currently, it is playing a more important role in astronomy, laser physics, nonlinear optics, medicine, vision and the defense industry. This paper demonstrates how we design and fabricate critical components, microlens array (MLA) and large-stroke MEMS (microelectromechanical system) deformable mirror, in adaptive optics and their applications. We present MLA with long focal length (millimeter range, which is usually several hundred microns) in various structures and arrangements. We use fi nished MLA on Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors to evaluated the performance. On the other hand, we demonstrate a large-stroke MEMS deformable mirror with a 20mm diameter circular opening and 67 hexagonal actuation electrodes. The polymer deformable mirror is a strong candidate for active wavefront control, based on our experimental results.

