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篇名 背接觸太陽電池模組封裝技術與效率提升發展
卷期 33:1=183
並列篇名 High Performance of Back Contact Solar Module Technology
作者 謝心心林福銘陸文豪
頁次 051-058
出刊日期 201108


根據每年歐洲太陽能協會 (EPIA) 預測太陽能市場技術分析,矽晶太陽能電池技術由於具有高度成熟的技術以及元件穩定性,短期內仍是市場主流,然而為了達到低成本/高輸出的要求,必須藉由材料的匹配最佳化以及結構的改良,以達到高效能的目標。背接觸式太陽能電池模組不同於傳統的太陽能電模組,除了電池設計突破傳統電池遮光面積過大的問題,模組技術方面,可改善封裝損失與降低串聯電阻,另一方面,以導電膠取代傳統的高溫焊接製程,能大幅降低晶片翹曲率,並且達到快速封裝製程的目標。


According to the annual reports and analyses from European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), crystalline solar (c-Si) cell module technology should be the main stream on the photovoltaic market share by 2030 since the c-Si has a high reliability nature. However, in order to fulfi ll the requirements on low-cost and high performance,back contact solar cell module technology was carried out to increase the light-exposure area on the cell surface and reduce the power loss/series resistance at module end. Compare to the conventional H-grid solar module process,the high temperature soldering was replaced by electrical conductive adhesive for interconnecting process. Thus, the wafer bowing rate can be reduced and a fast lamination step can be achieved.

