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篇名 利用原子吸收光譜儀、原子螢光吸收光譜儀於煤樣中微量汞砷定量分析技術
卷期 33:1=183
並列篇名 The Determination of Trace Elements of Hg, As in Coal by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
作者 鄭涵文余慶聰
頁次 084-090
出刊日期 201108


燃煤過程排放大量氣體如汞、砷屬於 ppm 至 ppb 等級的微量元素,惟有透過準確的定量技術才能精確評估其對環境之衝擊。本研究目的在建立原子吸收光譜分析技術,以獲得微量汞、砷最佳分析條件。利用NIST、ERA 已知濃度標準品測試,可獲得汞濃度在 4.7-1557 ppb 之間相對標準偏差 < 5%,砷濃度在10-352 ppb 之間相對標準偏差 < 10%,另以原子螢光吸收光譜法定量砷元素,在 10-352 ppb 之間相對標準偏差 < 3%。使用微波消化真實煤樣品定量汞砷等微量元素成分,回收率落在 86-97% 之間。


Trace elements (ppm-ppb) of mercury (Hg) and arsenic (As) in flue gas from coal-fired process should be accurately determination in view of environmental impact in the future. This study was aimed to develop the
analytical technique for trace elements by using several certifi ed materials from NIST, ERA. Mercury and arsenic in aqueous solution by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS) was obtained less than 5% of relative standard deviation (RSD) located at 4.7-1557 ppb for Hg analysis and was less than 10% of RSD at 10-352 ppb for As analysis, respectively. The RSD was future improved to less than 3% for 10-352 ppb As by using atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS). Besides, the recovery of trace elements of mercury and arsenic in real coal samples via microwave digestion was between 86 to 97%.

