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篇名 遊客對解說服務願付價格之研究--以七股黑面琵鷺保護區為例
卷期 1
並列篇名 The Research of Tourist's Willingness to Pay for Interpretative Service: A Case of Black-Faced Spoonbill Conservation Area in Chiku
作者 李明聰蘇秋君王怡文
頁次 019-038
關鍵字 生態觀光願付價格態度行為動機EcotourismWillingness to payAttitudeBehaviourMotivation
出刊日期 200610


隨著社會經濟的繁榮與國民所得的提高,對於休閒旅遊的需求愈來愈高,使得自然環境以及生態資源相較於過去,面臨更嚴重的威脅。國際社會逐漸重視自然資源的維護,生態保育意識亦隨之高漲,對生態、自然也開始抱持著尊重的態度,因應而生的生態觀光即是以自然為主的形式,希望遊客於欣賞自然環境時,能達成生態、社會文化和經濟的永續性,並增加遊客對生態之了解,引導其進行生態保育的行為。 本研究探討前往七股黑面琵鷺保護區之遊客對解說服務費用之願付價格,依據遊客對生態觀光的動機將遊客區分為三個集群,分別命名為「大眾消費」、「保護環境」及「熱衷投入」,了解不同生態觀光動機集群的遊客對解說服務費用之願付價格。研究結果發現此三集群遊客均對於支付解說服務費用作為增加政府稅收之願付價格為最低;「大眾消費」及「熱衷投入」集群均對於支付費用作為生態保育經費之願付價格最高,「保護環境」集群則對於支付費用作為解說員薪資之願付價格最高;「保護環境」和「熱衷投入」集群對於支付費用作為生態保育經費有顯著性差異;「大眾消費」和「熱衷投入」集群對於支付費用作為生態教育費用亦有顯著性的差異;「熱衷投入」集群對於支付解說服務費用作為解說員之薪資、生態保育經費、政府稅收和教育經費的願付價格皆為三集群中最高。


High technology and upgrade of living quality, tourists' demand for travel is higher than before. This situation of physical environment and ecological resource are more dangerous than past. International society takes the protection of physical resource in recent years. People start to have the attitude that respect to nature and ecological environment. Ecotourism use a natural way to make the tourists understand the ecological environment after they visit the physical environment and also make them starting to protect the ecological resource. The purpose of this study was to explore the tourists' attitude, behaviour, motivation, characteristic about travel, willingness to pay for the fee of interpretive service in Chiku Black-faced Spoonbill Refuge. According to the motivation factors, tourists can be categorized into three groups: mass consumption, protecting environment, positive concernment. These three groups show the lowest willingness to pay for the fee of increasing the government's tax revenue. The groups of mass consumption and positive concernment show the highest willingness to pay fee for the use of education in ecological. The group of protecting environment shows the highest willingness to pay for the fee of interpreters' salary. The groups of protecting environment and positive concernment show the difference between the fees of ecological preservation. The groups of mass consumption and positive concernment show the difference fees of ecological education. The group of positive concernment shows the highest willingness to pay fee for the use of interpreter's salary, ecological preservation, increasing governments' tax revenue, and the use about ecological education.
