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篇名 企業形象對旅客忠誠度之影響研究--以國內航空業為例
卷期 1
並列篇名 The Influence of Corporate Image on Customer Loyalty in the Domestic Airline Industry
作者 陳家瑜林昆德
頁次 055-075
關鍵字 國內航空業企業形象忠誠度Domestic airline industryCorporate imageLoyalty
出刊日期 200610




This research attempted to examine how corporate image influences customer loyalty in domestic airline industry. The five corporate image factors identified were: fleet management, service reputation, marketing mix, flight scheduling and corporate logo. The findings of this study suggested that demographic characteristics such as gender and educational level were significantly associated with perceived importance of corporate image. In addition, we evaluated the performance of corporate image of each surveyed airline by Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). Furthermore, this research conducted regression analysis and proved that fleet management, service reputation and marketing mix have positive influence on building customer loyalty for domestic airlines.
