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篇名 臺灣傳統辦桌產業發展之研究
卷期 1
並列篇名 The Study of Development for Taiwan's Traditional Catering Industry--Banzhuo
作者 吳武忠范世平朱亭佳
頁次 077-096
關鍵字 臺灣辦桌產業辦桌Taiwan's catering industryBanzhuo
出刊日期 200610




Banzhuo is a Taiwanese word, which refers to outdoor, or street-side catered banquets, which usually held under large temporary tents in order to celebrate weddings or occasions. Today, there are more and more restaurant industries providing for the catering service expand the market, forming the great competitive with the traditional industries.The study uses “In-depth interview survey”, “In-depth interview” and “Participant observation” was the principal method. The major findings of the research were follows: Taiwan's is catering industries were the “Non- negative provision” characteristics. These characters make the social, culture, and high environment effect more than low sharp economic environment and political environment. The one of great threat is different predicament.
