
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 地名漢字譯音方式標準化之探討
卷期 6
並列篇名 Standardization for Romanization of Chinese-characters Place Names
作者 許哲明孫元軍
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 地名譯音修正之韋德-齋爾斯羅馬注音法郵政式羅馬拼音國語注音符號第二式漢語拼音方案Place Names RomanizationModified Wade-Giles Romanization System,MWGSPostal Romanization systemPRSMandarin Phonetic symbols ⅡMPS ⅡChinese Phonetic Alphabets,CPA
出刊日期 199512




The map is an important method to demonstrate the territory of a country. The way of place names transliteration has very significant influence on which sovereignty a piece of territory belongs to. Therefore, to help foreigners have more acknowledgement on our national territory and to promote communication and ties with other countries, we should build common understanding and united methods on the manegement of place names Romanization to make place names Romanization have the same standard. Currently, there are three main Romanization methods used in our country, namely "Modified Wade-Giles Romanization System", "Postal Romanization System", "Mandarin Phonetic Symbols Ⅱ\". However, what mainland china adopted is "Chinese Phonetic Alphabets". The purport of this essay is to study the history and spelling of Chinese-characters for place names Romanization and to review current situation for the reference of establishing standard Romanization modes in the feature.
