
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 疊圖誤差模擬之研究
卷期 6
並列篇名 A Simulation Study for Errors of Maps Overlay
作者 賴進貴王慧動
頁次 21-30
關鍵字 地理資訊系統誤差模擬形狀指數GISerror simulationshape index
出刊日期 199512




A complete and correct database is fundamental to reliable applications of GIS. Due to the nature of geographic data and limitation of measurement, all geographic data are of limited accuracy. In order to assure the credibility of GIS analysis, the quality of data is an important issue within GIS research. Overlay is a common operation of GIS, which is very sensitive to the quality of data involved. As a result, besides of its widely use in site selection and change detection, overlay is often adopted for error detection of GIS data. This research uses overlay as a tool to investigate errors in two steps. First, a number of erroneous map layers are created using the S-Plus software and ARC/INFO. These maps contain errors of various types and magnitude. Through overlay, this research investigates the relation between data quality and the results of overlay. Second, this research uses spatial factors, such as acreage and shape index, to identify and eliminate sliver polygons. Results show that slivers are not thin and long as we used to think. This controversial finding is subject to further research.
