
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 地圖簡化目的與內涵之探討
卷期 6
並列篇名 A Study on the objective and Essence of Cartographic Generalization
作者 聞祝達
頁次 43-55
關鍵字 地圖簡化摘要主觀性客觀性Cartographic GeneralizationAbstractingSubjectivityObjectivity
出刊日期 199512



Spatial features and phenomena are generated by different geomorphologic processes, thus presenting various types and scope of landscape. These features can be recording, researching and analyzing by different tools, and map i地表空間的地物與現象,是經過不同時程的空間營歷所造成,因而可表現出不同規模、範圍之形態特徵。而地圖是記錄、研究與分析空間地物、現象之最佳工具,故將不同尺度地圖加以合併運用,則爲前項研究極重要之參考依據。地圖之製作爲製圖者先對空間環境產生認知影像,再經由資料摘取與繪製之過程,所完成之成果;因此若說地圖是人類對空間認知之結果,而地圖簡化則爲其認知之過程。但由於空間認知是屬於人類心智之行爲,故受個人主觀因素影響,此外地圖又爲科學與藝術結合之產品,因而「主觀」、「客觀」思維之矛盾,始終存在於製圖過程中;特別是在「製圖自動化」迫切需求下,將使此問題益發突顯。因此本文旨在探討地圖簡化之目的及其本質內涵意義,以期對地圖之本質與功能有更深一層之瞭解,此對製圖自動化及地理資訊系統未來發展,將有所助益。 s among the best. Also, the composite use of maps of different scale, is excellent for former research. Maps are made of operations of cartographer, it is the process that beginning from the generation of mental image of environmental cognition by cartographer, then followed by feature's selection and drafting to mimic the reality. Therefore, if we thought map as the outcome of spatial cognition, then cartographic generalization will be the process of its performance. Besides, spatial cognition is also a part of intellectual behavior of human being, thus it will be influenced by the factor of subjective. Furthermore, science and art are essential part of basic nature of map, so the contradictory view of map production between objectivity and subjectivity is always unavoidable. This will be prominent by the roughly introducing of automatic mapping systems. The aim of this paper is to examine the objective and essence of cartographic generalization, so as to assist understanding of its nature completely. Consequently, the development of automatic mapping and geographic information systems may benefit from this illustration.
