
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 模擬結合多個衛星系統導航定位之研究
卷期 18
並列篇名 A Simulated Approach on Navigation with Multiple Satellite Systems
作者 李振燾陳松安王昭融
頁次 65-88
關鍵字 全球定位系統全球導航衛星系統伽利略衛星導航系統北斗衛星導航系統導航定位Global Positioning Systems GPSGlobal Navigation Satellite Systems GLONASSGalileo Satellite Navigation SystemsCompass Satellite Navigation Systems CSNSNavigation
出刊日期 200809




On global satellite navigation systems, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) is the only system that can normally operate. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GLONASS) has the working difficulty because of maintaining problems, so it is in the state of diminishing efficiency. Russian government is rebuilding GLONASS actively at present. European Union and China start to build their own navigation satellite systems which named Galileo Satellite Navigation Systems and Compass Satellite Navigation Systems (CSNS). This research's purpose is to set up a new module that enables to compute the parameters of positioning capability for the following systems: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, CSNS, GPS combined with GLONASS, GPS combined with Galileo, GPS combined with CSNS. After analyzing the positioning capability of those global navigation satellite systems, the newly developed module can also apply in the other developing navigation satellite systems and to decide the developing direction in the future. All the calculating achievements are compared with GPS and the other five systems are better than GPS except GLONASS. The improvements are as the followings: the number of satellite from 4.06% to 134.65%, the geometry dilution of precision from 3.97% to 45.63%, the internal reliability from 3.07% to 13.66%, and the external reliability from 5.33% to 67.46% in addition to the ambiguities determining success rate over 99%.
