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篇名 高血壓性橋腦出血手術後併發中樞神經系統感染中西結合治療病例報告
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 Hypertensive Pones Hemorrhage Post-Operative CNS Infection by Integrated Chinese-Western Medicine Treatment
作者 陳榮洲王復華
頁次 15-27
關鍵字 高血壓性橋腦出血中樞神經系統感染意識恢復中西醫結合治療hypertensive pones hemorrhageCNS infectionconsciousness recoveredtreatment of Chinese Integrated Western Medicine
出刊日期 200412




The present case was a male fifty nine years old with hypertension history. He suddenly suffered from loss of consciousness with right hemiplegia and vomiting in July 12, 2001. He was transferred to emergency and diagnosis of hypertensive pones hemorrhage. He received emergency operation owing to comatose scales persistent download. Post-operation his illness was occurred persistently high fever because of CNS infection and consulted Department of Chinese Medicine in order to expect combine care with Chinese herbs in July 16, 2001. His conditions including consciousness recovered, extremities activity improved and life of quality enhanced via about three months treatment of Chinese Integrated Western Medicine. He discharges in September 22, 2001 and follow up in OPD.
