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篇名 針刺穴位對原發性高血壓的即時降壓效果
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 Immediately Decreased Effect of Blood Pressure by Acupuncture on Essential Hypertension
作者 洪志鵬林昭庚陳光偉李采娟陳明豐
頁次 29-38
關鍵字 原發性高血壓電針內關,足三里電腦心脈儀essential hypertensionelectro-acupunctureNeiguanZu-San-Li dynapulse
出刊日期 200412




The purpose of study we enrolled twenty three essential hypertensive patients to evaluate immediately decreased effect of blood pressure with acupuncture treated essential hypertension. Each patient individually received 5 Hz electro-acupuncture, acupuncture and bed rest treatment on bilateral Neiguan (P6) and Zu-San-Li (S36) acupoints at different interval. All patients with Dynapulse monitor check heart rate and blood pressure change individually at pre-treat 10 mm, treating 1 0mm, treating 20 mm and post-treat 1 0mm. A questionnaire gave all patients to record hypertension associated symptoms at post-treatment. Results demonstrated that electro-acupuncture and acupuncture groups are significantly decreased heart rate, systolic pressure and mean pressure. Decreasing effect of heart rate in electro-acupuncture group is markedly significant than bed rest group at treating 1 0mm. The effect of systolic pressure in electro-acupuncture group and acupuncture group is significantly decreased than bed rest group at post-treat 20 mm. The mean pressure in electro-acupuncture group and acupuncture group is significantly decreased than bed rest group at treating 10 mm. Questionnaire shows that hypertension associated symptoms improved in electro-acupuncture group and acupuncture group are significant than bed rest group. But it is not significant difference between acupuncture group and electro-acupuncture group.
