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篇名 從中西醫學探討內經、難經、中藏經三焦實質
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 A Survey on Substantial Bases of the Triple Burner in Nei-Jing, Nan-Jing, and Zhong-Zang Jing from the Aspects of Chinese-Western Medicine
作者 王人澍林昭庚張賢哲蘇奕彰吳政訓
頁次 39-47
關鍵字 內經難經中藏經三焦自律神經系統脊髓Nei-JingNan-JingZhong-Zang Jingthe triple burnerANSspinal cord
出刊日期 200412




The purpose of study is to survey functions of the triple burner in Nei-Jing, Nan-Jing and Zhong-Zang Jing according modern anatomical physiology. The functions of triple burner contain independent bowel, six bowels function, the channel of original qi, governing the qi, leader the qi of five viscera, six bowels, the aspect of construction and defense, the channels, internal and external aspect, left-right and up-down. Owing the relationship of body and function between organ and physiology, each organ has its unique physiological function and each physiological function also has its corresponding organ. The organ of the triple burner with named and shape or name present without shape, the historically medical scholars which had a different opinion. The results suggest that the triple burner has its channel without bowel in NeiJing, which the corresponding organ of the triple burner in physiology should be automatic nervous system(ANS). The corresponding organ of the triple burner with a broad range of physiological activities in Nan-Jing and Zhong-Zang Jing should be spinal cord. The automatic nervous system should belong to the viscera and bowel as well as twelve channels in Chinese medicine. The spinal cord should be confirmed within the bowel organ, which has its physiological level.
