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篇名 灸法臨床療效綜述
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 Review of Moxibustion In Clinical Therapeutic Effects
作者 李春興
頁次 001-013
關鍵字 灸法艾絨溫灸器Moxibustionmoxa flossmoxa burner
出刊日期 200412




Moxibustion is a method in ancient medical therapy. Moxabustion, which Xu shen termea scorch in Shuo wen jie zi in Han Dynasty, means that using a scorching fire to treat disease. The methods of Moxibustion include firing, ironing, fumigating, melting and burning. In traditional the material of moxibustion is moxa floss, whereas electromagnetic heat, laser, radiation (far-infrared), microwave moxa burner and moxa pack are used in modern. Applying these materials that are warmed by scorching, burning, fumigating-ironing, plastering to acupoints or lesions, is helpful to produce warm-heat, medicinal or chemical stimulation. And through the effect of the channel-acupoints, thest materials are able to regulate and to balance body's physiological function for promoting health care. Moxibustion possesses the following actions: warm and promote flow the channel, regulating and controlling the Qi and blood, supporting right and dispelling evil, dispersing swelling and transforming stasis, cubbing toxin and relieve pain, removing putrid and flesh engendering.
